Home GRAMMAR 190 Words Ending with Suffix ‘ology’ with their Meanings

190 Words Ending with Suffix ‘ology’ with their Meanings

190 Words Ending with Suffix 'ology' with their Meanings

The English language is rich with words that end in the suffix “ology,” a term derived from the Greek word “logia,” meaning “the study of.” These words often signify fields of study, branches of knowledge, or scientific disciplines. Understanding these “ology” words can enhance one’s vocabulary and deepen comprehension of various subjects, ranging from the natural sciences to social sciences and humanities. This article presents a curated list of 190 words ending with the suffix “ology,” along with their meanings, offering insight into the vast and diverse world of specialized studies.

Acarology – The study of mites and ticks.

Acology – The study of medical remedies and therapeutics.

Actinology – The study of the chemical effects of light.

Aerobiology – The study of airborne organic particles.

Agrobiology – The study of plant nutrition and growth in relation to soil conditions.

Algology – The study of algae.

Andrology – The study of male health, particularly reproductive health.

Anthology – The study of literature or the collection of literary works

Apiology – The study of bees.

Archaeology – The study of prehistoric people and their cultures

Arachnology – The study of spiders and related animals.

Astrobiology – The study of the origin, evolution, and possibility of life in the universe.

Astrology – The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

Audiology – The study of hearing and hearing disorders.

Autecology – The study of individual species’ ecology.

Autology – The study of oneself or self-examination.

Bacteriology – The study of bacteria.

Batrachology – The study of amphibians.

Bioarchaeology – The study of human remains in an archaeological context.

Bioecology – The study of interactions between organisms and their environment.

Bioecology – The study of the interrelationships of organisms and their environments.

Biology – The study of living organisms and their interactions with each other

Bryology – The study of mosses and liverworts.

Cardiology – The study of the heart and its functions.

Cereology – The study of crop circles.

Cetology – The study of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

Chronobiology – The study of biological rhythms.

Climatology – The study of climates and their phenomena.

Conchology – The study of shells and mollusks.

Cosmology – The study of the origin and structure of the universe.

Craniology – The study of skull characteristics.

Cytology – The study of cells, their functions, and structure.

Dendrochronology – The study of dating based on tree ring analysis.

Dendrology – The study of trees and woody plants.

Dermatology – The study of skin and skin diseases.

Dermatopathology – The study of skin diseases.

Desmology – The study of ligaments.

Diabetology – The study of diabetes.

Ecclesiology – The study of churches, especially church architecture and decoration.

Enology – The study of wine and winemaking.

Entomology – The study of insects.

Enzymology – The study of enzymes.

Epidemiology – The study of the distribution and determinants of health conditions inpopulations.

Epistemology – The study of theory of knowledge

Epizootiology – The study of animal disease outbreaks.

Eremology – The study of deserts and their phenomena.

Eschatology – The study of the end times or final events in history.

Esoterology – The study of esoteric or hidden knowledge.

Ethnology – The study of ethnic groups and cultures.

Ethnomusicology – The study of music in its cultural context.

Ethology – The study of animal behavior.

Etiology – The study of the causes of diseases.

Etymology – The study of the origins and history of words.

Exobiology – The study of life beyond Earth.

Felinology – The study of cats.

Funology – The study of fun and play, promoting the importance of leisure and enjoyment

Gastrology – The study of the stomach and its diseases.

Gemology – The study of gemstones.

Genealogy – The study or investigation of ancestry and family history

Geobiology – The study of the interactions between the physical Earth and the biosphere.

Geochronology – The study of the age of the Earth and its materials.

Geology – The study of the Earth and its composition.

Geomorphology – The study of landforms and the processes that shape them.

Gerontology – The study of aging and the elderly.

Glycobiology – The study of the structure, function, and biology of carbohydrates.

Gynecology – The study of female reproductive health.

Heliology – The study of the sun.

Hematology – The study of blood and blood diseases.

Herbology – The study of medicinal plants.

Herpetology – The study of reptiles and amphibians.

Hippology – The study of horses.

Histology – The study of tissues.

Histopathology – The study of tissue changes caused by disease.

Horology – The study of timekeeping and timepieces.

Hydrobiology – The study of life and ecosystems in water bodies.

Hydrology – The study of water and its movement on and below the Earth’s surface.

Ichthyology – The study of fish.

Immunology – The study of the immune system.

Immunopathology – The study of immune system disorders.

Jungology – The study of Carl Jung’s theories and works.

Karyology – The study of cell nuclei.

Kinesiology – The study of human movement.

Kymatology – The study of wave motion.

Lepidopterology – The study of butterflies and moths.

Lichenology – The study of lichens.

Limnology – The study of freshwater bodies.

Linguistics – The study of language and its structure.

Lithology – The study of rocks and their characteristics.

Mammalogy – The study of mammals.

Meteorology – The study of weather and the atmosphere.

Methodology – The study of methods.

Microbiology – The study of microscopic organisms.

Microtechnology – The study and application of microscopic devices.

Mineralogy – The study of minerals.

Morphology – The study of how things are put together

Mycology – The study of fungi.

Myrmecology – The study of ants.

Mythology – The study of myths and legends, providing insight into cultural beliefs and values

Nanobiology – The study of biological processes at the nanoscale.

Nanotechnology – The study and application of extremely small things.

Nasology – The study of the nose and its diseases.

Nematology – The study of nematodes or roundworms.

Neonatology – The study of newborn infants.

Neurobiology – The study of the nervous system and its biology.

Neurology – The study of the nervous system.

Numerology – The study of numbers and their symbolic meanings.

Obstetrics – The study of childbirth and the care of women giving birth.

Oceanology – The study of the ocean and marine life.

Odontology – The study of teeth and their diseases.

Oenology – The study of wines.

Oligology – The study of a limited or small number of things.

Oncology – The study of cancer.

Oology – The study of eggs, particularly bird eggs.

Ophthalmology – The study of the eyes and vision.

Opthalmology – The study of eye disorders and diseases.

Ornithology – The study of birds.

Osteology – The study of bones.

Otology – The study of the ears and hearing.

Paleobiology – The study of ancient life through fossil records.

Paleoclimatology – The study of ancient climates.

Paleontology – The study of fossils and ancient life forms.

Palynology – The study of pollen grains and other spores, particularly as found in archaeological or geological deposits.

Parasitology – The study of parasites and their hosts.

Pathology – The study of diseases and the changes they cause in the body.

Pedology – The study of soils in their natural environment.

Penology – The study of prisons and punishment.

Petrology – The study of rocks and their origins.

Pharmacology – The study of drugs and their effects on the body.

Philology – The humanistic study of language and literature

Phlebology – The study of veins and venous diseases.

Phonology – The study of the sound system of languages.

Phycology – The study of algae.

Physiology – The study of the functions of living organisms.

Phytology – The study of plants; botany.

Pistemology – The study of knowledge and belief.

Planetology – The study of planets.

Planktology – The study of plankton.

Pneumology – The study of respiratory diseases.

Pomology – The study of fruit cultivation.

Primatology – The study of primates.

Psychology – The study of the mind and behavior.

Psychopathology – The study of mental illness and abnormal behavior.

Pteridology – The study of ferns and their relationships with other plants

Radiobiology – The study of the action of ionizing radiation on living organisms.

Radiology – The study and use of imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.

Reflexology – The study of reflexes and their relation to the body.

Rheology – The study of the flow of matter.

Rheumatology – The study of rheumatic diseases and conditions.

Rhinology – The study of the nose and its disorders.

Scatology – The study of feces.

Sedimentology – The study of sedimentary rocks and processes.

Seismology – The study of earthquakes and seismic waves.

Selenology – The study of the moon.

Serology – The study of blood serum.

Siderology – The study of iron and its properties.

Sinology – The study of Chinese language, history, customs, and politics.

Sociobiology – The study of the biological basis of social behavior.

Sociology – The study of society and social behavior.

Somatology – The study of the human body.

Speleology – The study of caves.

Stomatology – The study of the mouth and its diseases.

Symbology – The study of symbols and their meanings.

Synecology – The study of groups of organisms in relation to their environment.

Tectonics – The study of the structure of the Earth’s crust.

Tectonophysics – The study of the physical processes that lead to the deformation of the Earth’s crust.

Teratology – The study of abnormalities in physical development.

Thanatology – The study of death and the practices associated with it.

Theology – The study of religious beliefs and the nature of the divine.

Thermodynamics – The study of heat and its relation to energy and work.

Thermology – The study of heat.

Tidology – The study of tides and their effects on coastal environments

Tocology – The study of childbirth and midwifery, providing crucial knowledge for safe and successful deliveries

Toxicology – The study of the adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.

Traumatology – The study of wounds and injuries.

Tribology – The study of friction, wear, and lubrication of interacting surfaces.

Trichology – The study of hair and scalp conditions.

Trophology – The study of nutrition.

Tympanology – The study of the ear drum and its diseases.

Uranology – The study of the heavens; astronomy.

Urology – The study of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system.

Vaccinology – The study of vaccines and immunization.

Vexillology – The study of flags.

Virology – The study of viruses and viral diseases.

Volcanology – The study of volcanoes.

Vulcanology – The study of volcanoes.

Xenobiology – The study of extraterrestrial life.

Xylology – The study of wood.

Zoogeography – The study of the geographical distribution of animals.

Zoology – The study of animals.

Zymology – The study of fermentation processes.

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