Home GRAMMAR Kinds of Sentences in English with Examples

Kinds of Sentences in English with Examples


A sentence is considered as a largest and vital unit of any Spoken and Written language. Sentence is nothing but a group of meaningful words, which is arranged grammatically. It consists of words, phrases or clauses.

Sentences are of four kinds:



Declarative/Assertive Sentence is the kind of sentence which makes an informative statement. It declares something directly. They are the most commonly used sentences in English.


  • I want to go to California tomorrow.
  • I have been teaching English since 1996.
  • You need to take your medicines tonight.
  • I am ready to read the latest Marathi News.
  • My father helped me to solve these examples.
  • You can come with me to meet your teacher.
  • All classes will start regularly from tomorrow.
  • He is a very humble and disciplined person.
  • The mother has been working since morning ceaselessly.
  • We are going out of station for few days next month.
  • She can speak many languages fluently.
  • There are four members in my family.
  • Clara goes to the dance class every evening at 6:00pm.
  • I want to create my identity as an independent woman.
  • India played cricket match excellently yesterday.
  • Many people are suffering from Omicron.
  • Due to pandemic situation, crores of people lost their jobs all over the world.
  • John is fond of watching suspense thriller movies.
  • I have to burn the midnight oil these days to complete my work.
  • They had a lot of fun at the party last night.
  • You should not trust anyone so immediately.
  • He must have locked the door out when he went to the office.
  • It may rain this evening as it’s rather cloudy.
  • You must think twice before doing anything.
  • William Shakespeare was the leading poet and dramatist of the 16th century.
  • One should not live beyond one’s means.
  • You must cut your coat according to your cloth.
  • His performance was simply outstanding.
  • Mumbai is really over-crowded.
  • There is a cut-throat competition in every field.
  • Do what you love or you will have to love what you do.
  • There is no any short-cut to success.
  • I am very tired today, I need to take rest.
  • You should stay aloof from negativity and negative people.
  • I really love spending time in the lap of Nature.
  • Jane was so nostalgic about her childhood days.
  • Technology is advancing very rapidly.
  • That little girl is so cute as well as naughty.
  • Both Paul and Peter are computer engineers.
  • I have been waiting for this day since long.
  • There should not be any discrimination in the society.
  • We must be proud of our great culture.
  • People are getting so money-minded nowadays.
  • I will call you back after some time.
  • He was the bravest of all.


Interrogative Sentence is the kind of sentence which asks a direct question. It enables us to answer and gather information. There are two types of Interrogative Sentences.

 ‘Yes/No’ type question- begins with helping verb
 ‘Wh’ question- begins with ‘Wh’ word


  • Are you going to buy a new shirt today?
  • Have you completed your homework?
  • Is there any question to ask now?
  • Did you go to meet your uncle yesterday?
  • Are you coming with me to the market?
  • Can you fix this car?
  • Is he making you fool?
  • Would I be able to follow through this project?
  • Will you keep your promise?
  • Has he gone to school?
  • Were they having dinner then?
  • Should I do this or not?
  • Had he committed that mistake?
  • Is it raining right now?
  • Would you do one favour to me?
  • May I take your leave now?
  • Will it be possible for you to come tomorrow?
  • Could you finish this work till Monday?
  • Has he consulted a doctor?
  • Is John working in your company?
  • Can I borrow your camera?
  • Are you feeling well today?
  • Did you insult them?
  • Don’t you know what the reason is?
  • Might he be at home at this moment?
  • Are you trying to be over-smart with me?
  • Have you lost your way?
  • May he be making me feel jealous on purpose?
  • Have you been able to satisfy your employers?
  • Are you ready to devote yourself to your job?
  • Can you lend me your bike for an hour?
  • Would you mind, if I sit here?
  • Will you listen to me carefully?
  • Are they interested in this matter?
  • Will he be travelling tomorrow?
  • Are you really serious about this relationship?
  • Was she ignorant of the fact?
  • Had you been cheating on him?
  • Were you missing me there?
  • Would it be okay, if I take your some time?
  • Should I submit this form right now?
  • Are you my friend or enemy?
  • Shall I drop you there?
  • Should I wait for you or leave?
  • What are you doing there?
  • How would you come tomorrow?
  • Why are you so upset?
  • What brings you here?
  • How may I help you?
  • Where do you work at present?
  • Why do you fret and fume always?
  • What consumes you these days?
  • When is your examination starting?
  • Which is your favourite place to visit?
  • What are you looking for?
  • Who is your role-model?
  • Where are you going tomorrow?
  • What is your problem?
  • When will you get free?
  • What will be the right time to call you?
  • When will this Corona pandemic end up?
  • What are the reasons for climate change?
  • Why are looking so upset today?
  • What makes you feel so scared?
  • When is examination starting?
  • Where is your identity card?
  • Why do you go there every weekend?
  • Which is the train to Mumbai?
  • Whose hand-bag is this?
  • Whom were you talking to?
  • Who is the principal of this college?
  • When are you intending to get married?
  • Whose foot-steps are these?
  • What were you writing in the notebook?
  • Where have you gone the day before yesterday?


Imperative Sentence is the kind of sentence which issues a request, command, advice or suggestion. They tell us what to do, using different tones.


  • Give me the ink-pen for today.
  • Please offer me your sit for some time.
  • Quit smoking from today.
  • Do not make a noise.
  • Fire at the enemy.
  • Use mask at public places.
  • Do as directed.
  • Shut the door, please.
  • Zip your lip first of all.
  • Make some tea for me, I am tired.
  • Clean the floor immediately.
  • Save money for rainy day.
  • Sit here silently and think properly.
  • Give me your pen for some time.
  • Write your full name here.
  • Submit your assignment by tomorrow.
  • Be sure that you reach on time there.
  • Bring me a class of water.
  • Turn off that computer, please.
  • Lower your voice, I am already having headache.
  • Put out all lights.
  • Mingle with other children.
  • Be more proactive rather than reactive.
  • Become a successful person.
  • Don’t misbehave with anybody.
  • Have your breakfast.
  • Take a shower and get ready for office.
  • Develop good habits in yourself.
  • Treat everybody with respect.
  • Buy some mangoes for me.
  • Mix all ingredients well.
  • Make a smooth batter.
  • Knead the soft dough.
  • Keep silence in the class.
  • Prepare well for examination.
  • Be always punctual and disciplined.
  • Remind me of that later.
  • Read the instructions carefully.
  • Don’t make a mess in the room.
  • Forget and forgive.
  • Find out that file right away.
  • Make proper arrangements for the guest.
  • Mark my words, you will fail, if you don’t study.
  • Wear you mask and keep a safe distance.
  • Go out of the class at once.
  • Fill in the blanks with a correct option.


Exclamatory Sentence is the kind of sentence which contains a strong emphasis, emotion, feeling or excitement.


  • What a beautiful sight it is!
  • How difficult the paper is!
  • Hurrah! We have won the match.
  • Alas! his father is no more.
  • Sorry! I can’t save your father.
  • Ah! My kite is high up in the sky.
  • Wow! That’s really beautiful.
  • Yuck! How ridiculous it is!
  • Hurray! We won the match.
  • Alas! He passed away due to Covid-19.
  • John, you are late again!
  • I am really going to miss you!
  • It’s a baby boy!
  • What a sweet voice you have?
  • How courageous you are!
  • What the hell! He ran away again.
  • That’s really wonderful!
  • Ouch! I broke my leg.
  • Oh! It’s okay.
  • Congratulations! You came with flying colours again.
  • For heaven’s sake! Help me.
  • My goodness! He escaped a near death experience.
  • How terrible it was!
  • Don’t be so foolish!
  • Who the hell are you come from nowhere!
  • How selfish you are!
  • What a tremendous beauty she is!
  • How weird you are!
  • What nonsense!
  • How stupid I am!
  • Hey! I am talking to you.
  • Oh! I wish I could be there.
  • Thank god! The train arrived on time.
  • Damn it! I missed this opportunity too.
  • Shit! I made a big mistake.
  • Oh god! This fan is not working, it’s really hot.
  • You must be joking!
  • What a beautiful dress it is!
  • How cruel you are!
  • Very cool man he is!
  • How quickly she responds to everything!
  • What an idea!
  • How excellently he played!
  • Bravo! You have one more feather in your cap.
  • How interesting it is!
  • What a fantastic performance!

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“I am a Professor of English Language. I am able to teach English, using my own Creativity. I always like to create something innovative. My dream is to make the English teaching-learning process joyous, providing solutions to all Global educational needs." - Prof. Dipak Burhade


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