One Word Substitution is the process to find a single word that describes the given definition or word phrase. This key-word suddenly dominates the whole sentence. The meaning of the whole sentence automatically converts into a single word. Let us see with the help of some examples.
A building where animals are butchered | Abattoir |
An act of abdicating or renouncing the throne | Abdication |
Do away with wholly | Abolish |
To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of | Accelerate |
That which falls to someone or something | Accident |
Liable to be called to account | Accountable |
The branch of physics concerned with the properties of sound | Acoustics |
One who calculates premium | Actuary |
The period between childhood and adulthood | Adolescence |
Indefinite period of time | Aeon |
Appreciation of beauty, by a set of principles | Aesthetics |
To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease | Aggravate |
Some on who attacks first | Aggressor |
One who doubts the existence of god | Agnostic |
The medieval forerunner of chemistry | Alchemy |
To turn friends in enemies | Alienate |
A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one | Allegory |
The school or college one attends | Alma Mater |
An annual calendar that contains important dates and time | Almanac |
One who does something not professionally but for pleasure | Amateur |
One who can use either hand with ease | Ambidextrous |
Statements open to more than one interpretation | Ambiguous |
Having opposing feelings | Ambivalent |
To walk aimlessly | Amble |
A carriage for sick people | Ambulance |
General pardon for political offenders | Amnesty |
A cold blooded vertebrate animal that lives in the water and breathes using gills | Amphibian |
Someone or something out of time | Anachronism |
One who is out to subvert a government | Anarchist |
A state of disorder due to absence of authority | Anarchy |
A person who presents a radio/television programme | Anchor |
Madness or obsession with males | Andromania |
One who loves men | Androphile |
One who loves and admires the British | Anglophile |
A book written by an unknown author | Anonymous |
To date before the true time | Antedate |
One who studies the evolution of mankind | Anthropologist |
Strong, deep dislike | Antipathy |
A word opposite in meaning to another | Antonym |
A collection of beehives | Apiary |
A place where bees are kept; a collection of beehives | Apiary |
A person who has changed his faith | Apostate |
To rise in value | Appreciate |
A building containing tanks of live fish of different species | Aquarium |
A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute | Arbitrator |
Collection of historical documents or records about a place, person or thing | Archives |
A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict | Arena |
Nobility powered government | Aristocracy |
A collection of weapons and military equipment | Arsenal |
A person who deliberately sets fire to a building | Arsonist |
One who leads an austere life | Ascetic |
A person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft | Astronaut |
An institution for the care of people who are mentally ill | Asylum |
One who does not believe in the existence of God | Atheist |
An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert | Audience |
One who makes an official examination of accounts | Auditor |
The part of a theatre where people who are watching and listening sit | Auditorium |
Writing of one’s own life story | Autobiography |
Government by one absolutely | Autocracy |
Self-fertilization especially in plants | Autogamy |
A signature of a celebrity (signature of oneself) | Autograph |
A machine that functions by itself | Automatic |
A self-moving vehicle | Automobile |
Self-rule or control | Autonomy |
One who is greedy for money | Avaricious |
A cage made for birds | Aviary |
A structure on which abstractly defined structure is based | Axiom |
A large bundle bound for storage or transport | Bale |
A group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place | Battery |
Cut off the head | Behead |
The sound of Deers | Bell |
A nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law | Belligerent |
The sound of Alligators | Bellow |
A large gathering of people of a particular type | Bevy |
Someone who loves collecting books | Bibliophile |
Practice of having two wives or husbands | Bigamy |
One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views | Bigot |
Writing of one’s life story | Biography |
The science which treats with life | Biology |
An examination of tissue removed from a living body to discover the presence, cause or extent of a disease | Biopsy |
The action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk | Blasphemy |
Spartan snowstorms with uncontrollable winds | Blizzard |
An unconventional style of living | Bohemian |
Huge fire for celebration | Bonfire |
Dwarfed varieties of trees and shrubs in pots | Bonsai |
The branch of biology dealing with plant life | Botany |
An arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present | Bouquet |
Hard but liable to be easily broken | Brittle |
A family of young animals | Brood |
Government by departments of state | Bureaucracy |
State official decision making government | Bureaucratic |
A hole or tunnel dug by a small animal | Burrow |
A group of things that have been hidden in a secret place | Cache |
The sound of Geese | Cackle |
One who is bad in spellings | Cacographer |
A person who writes beautiful writing | Calligrapher |
Somebody who eats human flesh | Cannibal |
A group of people, typically with vehicles or animals travelling together | Caravan |
Living on flesh | Carnivorous |
A person who draws or produces maps | Cartographer |
A place to play games and bet on them | Casino |
A list of books | Catalogue |
A closed political meeting | Caucus |
The sound of Crows | Caw |
One who is unmarried | Celibate |
A burial Ground | Cemetery |
Celebration of a hundredth year, once | Centenary |
A person employed to drive a private or hired car | Chauffeur |
A person who is blindly devoted to an idea/ a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism | Chauvinist |
A person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance | Choreographer |
A thing occurring again and again for a long time | Chronic |
The branch of biology concerned with cyclical physiological phenomena | Chronobiology |
An instrument which records short intervals of time | Chronograph |
The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence | Chronology |
A highly accurate timepiece | Chronometer |
To walk around a place especially in a ritual fashion | Circumambulate |
Talking around, a method of talking indirectly | Circumlocution |
Careful, cautious watch on surroundings | Circumspect |
A group of followers hired to applaud at a performance | Claque |
The sound of Dolphins | Click |
An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose | Clique |
A room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left | Cloakroom |
The sound of Hens | Cluck |
When two things befall together | Coincident |
People who work together | Colleagues |
Informal, less grammatically rigid language | Colloquial |
A person who introduces the performers or contestants in a variety show | Compere |
Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth | Congenital |
A group of worshippers | Congregation |
One who knows a lot about good food and wine | Connoisseur |
A series of stars | Constellation |
Perfectly, highly skilled reached the zenith of art | Consummate |
People living at the same time | Contemporaries |
One who is recovering from illness | Convalescent |
A Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows | Convent |
A girl/woman who flirts with a man | Coquette |
A solemn procession, especially for a funeral | Cortege |
Science of origin of universe | Cosmology |
A person who regards the whole world as his country | Cosmopolitan |
The sound of Crickets | Creak |
Nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day | Creche |
One who easily believes others | Credulous |
A place where a dead person’s body is cremated | Crematorium |
The sound of Frogs | Croak |
A vigorous campaign for a cause | Crusade |
A keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection | Curator |
One who sneers at the beliefs of others | Cynic |
One who is a centre of attraction | Cynosure |
A secret or disguised way of writing | Cypher |
The use of the fingers and hands to communicate and convey ideas | Dactylology |
A person having a sophisticated charm | Debonair |
A stoppered glass container into which wine or spirit is decanted | Decanter |
Trees whose leaves fall every autumn | Deciduous |
To transfer one’s authority to another | Delegate |
A leader who sways his followers by his oratory | Demagogue |
Government by the people | Democracy |
The study of statistics | Demography |
To go down in value | Depreciate |
To go from bad to worse | Deteriorate |
Government by two agencies | Diarchy |
A dabbler (not serious) in art, science and literature | Dilettante |
Morbid compulsion to keep on consuming alcohol | Dipsomania |
A large bedroom for a number of people in a school or institution | Dormitory |
A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body | Drove |
One who has strange habits | Eccentric |
Study of environment | Ecology |
A thing that is fit to be eaten | Edible |
A man who is womanish in his habits | Effeminate |
A person who boasts of one’s achievements | Egotist |
People who can vote in an election: | Electorate |
A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead | Elegy |
One who is qualifies for election. | Eligible |
Expressive in the use of words | Eloquent |
To explain something mysterious or difficult | Elucidate |
Misappropriation of money | Embezzlement |
Someone who leaves one country to settle in another | Emigrant |
Mentally identifying oneself with other person or a thing | Empathy |
To lay special stress on | Emphasize |
Marriage within one’s own tribe | Endogamy |
Lasting for a very short time | Ephemeral |
One who is fond of sensuous pleasures | Epicure |
Inscription on a tombstone | Epitaph |
Person who rides on horse-back | Equestrian |
To root out an evil, disease | Eradicate |
Marriage outside one’s tribe | Exogamy |
To free somebody from all blame | Exonerate |
To send out of one’s native country | Expatriate |
A speech delivered without any previous preparation | Extempore |
Spoken or done without preparation | Extempore |
One who turns his thoughts outwards | Extrovert |
An exact copy | Facsimile |
One who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religious matters | Fanatic |
A person difficult to please | Fastidious |
Anything that leads to death | Fatal |
One who believes in fate | Fatalist |
One who thinks only of welfare of women | Feminist |
Killing of one’s son or daughter | Filicide |
A person who sells and arranges cut flowers | Florist |
A small fleet of ships or boats | Flotilla |
Destruction or abortion of a fetus | Foeticide |
Something that has been determined beforehand | Foregone |
Killing of one’s brother or sister | Fratricide |
Living on fruits | Frugivorous |
One who eat only fruits | Fruitarian |
One who runs away from justice | Fugitive |
A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor | Genealogy |
Killing of a large group of people | Genocide |
A group governed by old people | Gerontocracy |
The sound of Monkeys | Gibber |
One who eats too much | Glutton |
A lover of good food | Gourmand |
One who has keen interest in food and drinks | Gourmet |
A storehouse for threshed grain | Granary |
High sounding pompous speech or writing | Grandiloquent |
Without payment | Gratis |
Fond of company | Gregarious |
A small growth of trees without underbrush | Grove |
The sound of Camels | Grunt |
One who is easily deceived | Gullible |
A place of exercising and training | Gym |
A room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and other physical exercise | Gymnasium |
A community of people smaller than a village | Hamlet |
A large building with an extensive floor area, typically for housing aircraft | Hangar |
The therapeutic use of sunlight | Heliotherapy |
A person who is controlled by wife | Henpeck |
Of animals feeding on grass and plants | Herbivorous |
A group of cattle or sheep or other domestic mammals | Herd |
A person who acts against religion | Heretic |
People who have both male and female sexual organs | Hermaphrodite |
A person of intellectual or erudite tastes | Highbrow |
The remote regions of a country which are far away from the rivers | Hinterland |
The killing of a human being | Homicide |
The sound of Penguins | Honk |
Work for which no salary is paid | Honorary |
The sound of Owls | Hoot |
A large group of people | Horde |
The art or practice of garden cultivation and management | Horticulture |
State of antagonism | Hostility |
One who feels sympathetic towards human beings | Humanitarian |
Assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority | Hung |
A box or cage, typically with a wire mesh front, for keeping rabbits or other small domesticated animals | Hutch |
A patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments | Hypochondriac |
One who pretends to be what he is not | Hypocrite |
One who is violently against established beliefs and traditions | Iconoclast |
Someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions | Iconoclast |
Worship of idols | Idolatry |
That which is against law | Illegal |
A handwriting that cannot be read | Illegible |
That is prohibited by law | Illicit |
Complex situation or a mix-up | Imbroglio |
One who lives in a foreign country | Immigrant |
Who behaves without moral principles | Immoral |
That which cannot be noticed | Imperceptible |
Incapable of being seized by attack | Impregnable |
A person who is incapable of being tampered with | Impregnable |
That which is unlikely to happen | Improbable |
Without life | Inanimate |
A sound that cannot be heard | Inaudible |
That which falls upon, befalls, happens | Incident |
One who cannot be corrected | Incorrigible |
That which cannot be believed | Incredible |
That which cannot be cured | Incurable |
One incapable of being tired | Indefatigable |
That which cannot be defended | Indefensible |
Making marks that cannot be removed | Indelible |
Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with | Indispensable |
That which cannot be avoided | Inevitable |
Certain to happen | Inevitable |
That which cannot be explained | Inexplicable |
One who does not make mistakes | Infallible |
The killing of a new born child | Infanticide |
A place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill | Infirmary |
Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned | Inflammable |
Something that cannot be imitated | Inimitable |
That which cannot be satisfied | Insatiable |
Incapable of being dissolved in a liquid | Insoluble |
One who is unable to pay his debts | Insolvent |
To examine carefully | Inspect |
One who takes part in dialogue or conversation | Interlocutor |
Burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb | Interment |
One who dies without a Will | Intestate |
One who exhibits courage or fearlessness | Intrepid |
Examine one’s motives or look inwards | Introspect |
The action of looking back on past time | Introspection |
One who does not express himself freely | Introvert |
One who supervises in the examination hall | Invigilator |
That which cannot be conquered | Invincible |
A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes | Invisible |
That which cannot be hurt | Invulnerable |
Remarks which do not apply to the subject under discussion | Irrelevant |
That cannot be altered or withdrawn | Irrevocable |
The area over which an official has control | Jurisdiction |
The theory or philosophy of law | Jurisprudence |
A small shelter for a dog | Kennel |
Morbid compulsion to steal | Kleptomania |
Few words packed with meaning, concise | Laconic |
A place where wild animal live | Lair |
That which is lawful | Legal |
A person who compiles dictionaries | Lexicographer |
One who loves to speak | Loquacious |
A person who is mentally ill | Lunatic |
Generous, forgiving talk | Magniloquent |
The first speech made by a person | Maiden |
Madness with obsession with something | Mania |
Handwritten book | Manuscript |
One who demands strict conformity to rules | Martinet |
The rule or control of mother | Matriarchy |
The killing of a mother | Matricide |
Related to marriage | Matrimony |
Belonging to the Middle Ages | Medieval |
Morbid delusion of power, importance or godliness | Megalomania |
A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition | Menagerie |
One who can do anything for money | Mercenary |
A place where coins, medals, or tokens are made | Mint |
One who hates men | Misandrist |
One who hates mankind | Misanthrope |
One who hates marriage | Misogamist |
One who hates women | Misogynist |
Violation or misuse of power | Misusage |
Rule by the mob | Mobocracy |
Government by one person (royal) | Monarchy |
A building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows | Monastery |
Practice of having one wife or husband | Monogamy |
Person with one-track mind | Monomania |
One who believes in the theory of only one God | Monotheist |
The sound of Cattle | Moo |
A place where bodies are kept for identification | Morgue |
A room or building in which dead bodies are kept | Mortuary |
Ordinary and Dull | Mundane |
A place where objects are exhibited | Museum |
Compulsion to tell lies | Mythomania |
Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something else | Namesake |
Someone in love with himself | Narcissist |
A person who loves himself the most | Narcissist |
The sound of Horses | Neigh |
Inexperienced people governing a state or a region | Neocracy |
One who is a newcomer | Neophyte |
One who walks at night | Noctambulist |
A sentimental memory of the past | Nostalgia |
Well known for bad qualities | Notorious |
One who is new to a trade or profession | Novice |
Science of coins or medals | Numismatics |
One who collect coins as hobby | Numismatist |
Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a woman | Nymphomania |
A news article that reports the recent death of a person | Obituary |
A thing no longer in use | Obsolete |
That which falls on the western countries | Occidental |
The scientific study of the structure and diseases of teeth | Odontology |
Government by a few powerful people | Oligarchy |
Book containing all the published work of an author | Omnibus |
Capable of moving in all directions | Omnidirectional |
One who is all powerful | Omnipotent |
One who is present everywhere | Omnipresent |
A person who knows everything | Omniscient |
One who eats all kinds of food | Omnivorous |
That through which light cannot pass | Opaque |
One who looks on the bright side of things | Optimist |
A piece of enclosed land planted with fruit trees | Orchard |
A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases | Panacea |
A doctrine which identifies God with the universe | Pantheism |
One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe | Pantheist |
Killing of a parent or other near relative | Parricide |
A system of governing a country suggesting a father-child relation | Paternalism |
Fatherhood | Paternity |
Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity | Pathetic |
A father-like figure | Patriarch |
A system ruled or controlled by men | Patriarchy |
The killing of a father | Patricide |
An inheritance from father | Patrimony |
One who loves his country | Patriot |
A name framed after father’s name | Patronymic |
One who has no money | Pauper |
Excessively concerned with minor details or rules | Pedantic |
One who goes on foot | Pedestrian |
A baby carriage | Perambulator |
One who looks on the dark side of things | Pessimist |
The branch of science concerned with the origin, structure and composition of rocks | Petrology |
One who loves without seriousness | Philanderer |
A lover of mankind | Philanthropist |
Love for mankind | Philanthropy |
One who does not care for art, literature etc. | Philistine |
A person who likes or admires women | Philogynist |
Fondness towards women | Philogyny |
One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it) | Philosopher |
Written by light | Photograph |
The sound of Nightingales | Pipe |
Living on fish | Piscivorous |
Copying someone else’s work and trying to submit as your own | Plagiarism |
One who copies from other writers | Plagiarist |
An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects | Planetarium |
Government governed by wealth | Plutocracy |
A place for feet or speaker’s platform | Podium |
Practice of having several husbands | Polyandry |
The custom of having more than one wife at a time | Polygamy |
One who knows many languages | Polyglot |
One who believes in many Gods | Polytheist |
A temporary police force | Posse |
A book published after the death of its author | Posthumous |
Medical examination of a dead body | Postmortem |
Water fit for drinking | Potable |
Safe to drink | Potable |
Walk before hand or an introductory statement | Preamble |
An animal who preys on other animals | Predator |
A forward look or a view into future | Prospect |
One who studies the elections and trends in voting | Psephologist |
Systematic study of election trends | Psephology |
To write under a different name | Pseudonym |
Morbid compulsion to start a fire | Pyromania |
The sound of Ducks | Quack |
One who is extravagantly romantic, chivalrous and impractical | Quixotic |
One who presents a radio Programme | Radio Jockey |
A person who lives in solitude | Recluse |
Emblem of Royalty | Regalia |
The killing of a king | Regicide |
Make someone feel young | Rejuvenate |
Not showing enough care and attention | Remiss |
A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply | Reservoir |
One who speaks less | Reticent |
A backward look or a view into the past | Retrospect |
The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing | Rhetoric |
Violating the sanctity of a church | Sacrilege |
One who helps others Good | Samaritan |
A room or building for sick children in a boarding school | Sanatorium |
Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a man | Satyromania |
The sound of Parrots | Screech |
An artist who makes sculptures. | Sculptor |
Government not concerned with religious activities | Secular |
A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or sword | Sheath |
A large number of fish swimming together | Shoal |
An office with high salary but no work | Sinecure |
A place for sun to enter where one can sunbath | Solarium |
A speech to oneself, alone | Soliloquy |
One who walks in sleep | Somnambulist |
One who talks while sleeping | Somniloquist |
The killing of one’s sister | Sororicide |
A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event | Souvenir |
The sound of Rats | Squeak |
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain | Stoic |
Government by military class | Stratocracy |
The killing of oneself | Suicide |
Excessive love for one’s country | Super patriotism |
A doubtful look or examination of one’s motives | Suspect |
One who is a boot licker, flatterer | Sycophant |
Simultaneously affected by similar feelings | Sympathy |
Make to happen at the same time | Synchronize |
Words which have the same meaning | Synonyms |
A place where animal hides are tanned | Tannery |
One who doesn’t consume alcohol | Teetotaler |
A written message from far off place | Telegraph |
A scolding nagging bad-tempered woman | Termagant |
One who believes in God | Theist |
Government by divine guidance | Theocracy |
Battle among the Gods | Theomachy |
Religious madness | Theomania |
A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid | Torrent |
That through which light can partly pass | Translucent |
That through which light can pass | Transparent |
The sound of Elephants | Trumpet |
One who changes sides | Turncoat |
The sound of Birds | |
An imaginary society free from crimes and poverty | Utopia |
The killing of one’s wife | Uxoricide |
A person who shows a great or excessive fondness for one’s wife | Uxorious |
One who always thinks himself to be ill | Valetudinarian |
One who damages public property | Vandal |
One who eats no animal flesh | Vegetarian |
Denoting a sin that is not regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace | Venial |
One who can throw his voice | Ventriloquist |
Exact use of words that were being used originally | Verbatim |
Somebody who is considerably experienced in something | Veteran |
A shrewish loud-mouthed female | Virago |
One who possesses outstanding technical ability in a particular art or field | Virtuoso |
One who works for free | Volunteer |
A large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or stored | Wardrobe |
The sound of Mosquitoes | Whine |
The scientific study of the behaviour, structure, physiology, classification and distribution of animals | Zoology |
Grammar Topics_1
Grammar Topics_2
Useful Expressions in English Speaking
Grammar: Spot the Error
Useful for all students