In On Saying ‘Please’, the writer A.G. Gardiner points out the value of good manners in social life and emphasizes the importance of courtesy and politeness in daily behavior. He shows how polite speech and manner sweeten the atmosphere around and how discourtesy and ill manners spoil or pollute it. The essay is focused on the Bad-mannered Lift-man and Well-mannered Bus-Conductor.
ACTIVITY: Explain the following with examples: (Textbook Page No. 19) |
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ACTIVITY: Group Discussion: (Textbook Page No. 19) |
Have a Group Discussion on the topic ‘The Need of Soft Skills at Work Place’ with the help of the given points: |
ACTIVITY: State whether True or False: (Textbook Page No. 19) |
• Bitter problems in day-to-day life can be solved by sweet words: TRUE |
• Great wars could have been avoided by a little courtesy: TRUE |
• Observance of etiquette in a normal situation is important but more important is their observance when the situation is adverse: TRUE |
• Words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ help us in making our passage through life uneasy: FALSE Correction– Words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ help us in making our passage through life easy. |
• The law permits anybody to use violence, if another person is discourteous: FALSE Correction– The law does not permit anybody to use violence, if another person is discourteous. It’s not a legal offense. |
ACTIVITY: Select the most appropriate sentences which suggest the Theme of the essay: (Textbook Page No. 20) |
a. The essay tells us about courtesy, civility, morality, responsibility and control. b. The essay explores the difficulties that can be incurred by an individual when dealing with the public. c. One can keep one’s peace of mind without having to lower themselves to the level of the perceived offender. d. People with low self-esteem are generally difficult to work with and they look down upon others to get a feeling of superiority. Answer: |
ACTIVITY: Find the Reasons for the lift-man’s uncivilized behaviour. (Textbook Page No-20) |
Answer: • The liftman felt insulted by unknown passenger. • The liftman did not like passenger’s rude behaviour. • The liftman could not bear passenger’s discourtesy. • The liftman’s self-esteem was hurt by passenger. |
ACTIVITY: List the people and their behaviour that made the passenger rude and ill-mannered. (Textbook Page No-20) |
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Activity: Good manners are required in our daily life for making our social contacts more cooperative and friendly. Illustrate the behaviour of the polite conductor with different people in various situations. (Textbook Page No-20) |
Situation | Behaviour |
1. The writer’s sensitive toe was trampled on | Said sorry with an apology and courtesy |
2. In the rainy season dealing with people | Gave a tip that there was ‘room inside’ |
3. Dealing with old people | Behaved as a considerate son |
4. Dealing with children | Remained as solicitous as a father |
5. Dealing with young people | Involved in merry jest with them |
6. Dealing with a blind man | Set down safely on the pavement |
Activity: Write the impact of good temper and kindness on society, in the light of a good-mannered conductor. (Textbook Page No-20) |
Activity: ‘A modest calling can be made dignified by good temper and kindly feeling’. Explain the statement with example. (Textbook Page No-20) |
Modesty is the most valuable ornament of human life. But unfortunately it is not visible everywhere. Modest calling helps to develop good temper and kindness among us. For example, the Watchman at the school gate makes the school environment cheerful, by saying ‘Good morning’, ‘Hello, How’re you?’, ‘Good Bye’, ‘Take care’ etc. The modesty we find in school-bus driver is really praiseworthy. His kindness shows humanity in him. |
Activity: The service of the Police is necessary for the implementation of law in our society. Write whether we require this service for good social environment. (Textbook Page No-20) |
Obviously, the service provided by Police is really called the pillar of our protection. The Threat of law and the Lessons of Courtesy will surely help to create an ideal society. We require the Legal Services for-
ACTIVITY: Grammar Collocations |
Collocation refers to a meaningful group of words that are often used together or that are likely to occur together.
Find out the words in column B that collocate with the words in column B. (Textbook Page No-21) |
Make Collocations and use in your own sentences. (Textbook Page No-21) |
![]() Use in Sentences:
Activity: Sometimes while using a word in a sentence, we have to change its word class. We can make several more words from the root word. (Textbook Page No-21,22) |
Activity: Complete the Table: (Textbook Page No-22) |
absence | absent | absent | absently |
alarm | alarm | alarming | alarmingly |
attraction | attract | attractive | attractively |
enabler | enable | able | ably |
admiration | admire | admirable | admiringly |
agreement | agree | agreeable | agreeably |
application | apply | applicable | applicably |
avoidance | avoid | avoidable | avoidably |
difference | differ | different | differently |
Activity: Write appropriate expressions and words used while facing an interview. (Textbook Page No-22) |
Activity: Write appropriate expressions used while writing a Complaint Letter. (Textbook Page No-23) |
Activity: Distinguish between a Legal Offence & Moral Offence on the basis of the given text. (Textbook Page No-23) |
Legal Offence | Moral Offence |
Burglary | Discourtesy |
Bribery | Insult |
Murder | Disrespect |
Riot | Discrimination |
Rape | Unfriendliness |
Cheating | Non-cooperation |
Activity: Find out the meanings of the following phrases. Use them in your own sentences. (Textbook Page No-23) |
a. Give and take: compromise, exchange or mutual concession. Ex- Once the positions are set, real negotiations would begin, with give-and-take on both sides. b. A black eye: to punish someone severely. c. Lower than the angles: less than perfect. d. Knock someone down: to hit or push someone accidentally. |
Activity: Find out the words with Prefixes and Suffixes from the text and write them down. (Textbook Page No-23) |
Prefix | Suffix |
uncivil | requirement |
undoubtedly | complainant |
discourtesy | punishable |
unpleasant | legally |
underground | willingness |
unfriendliness | natural |
inconvenience | cheerfully |
unknown | politeness |
inexhaustible | peculiarly |
disagreeable | connection |
Activity: Complete the table with polite expressions that we must use in our day-to-day life. (Textbook Page No-23) |
I want a cup of tea. | I would like to have a cup of tea. |
Send me the mail. | Send me the mail, please. |
Go away or leave me alone. | Let me be here. |
You are wrong. | Do you think that you’re right? |
That’s a bad idea. | Sure, that’s not a good idea. |
Your work isn’t good. | You need to improve your work. |
Activity: Edit the given paragraph using a/an/the wherever necessary. (Textbook Page No-24) |
“Rakesh is an ideal son who remains devoted to his father as he grows professionally to become a famous doctor. As his father grows old, he takes care to spend time with his father, bringing him tea in the morning and taking him out for a walk in the evening.” |
Activity: Spot the Errors and correct them. (Textbook Page No-24) |
Spot the Errors
a. Radha brought pens and distributed them between her five children. b. Jayshree and Sujata sat besides each other in complete silence. c. His best friend Vijay was blind within one eye. d. One could dare to encroach on his rights. e. She was taken with surprise when she saw the famous Taj Mahal. f. It is not possible to exchange the goods once the sale has been completed. g. Dr. Sengupta has been trying to master the craft for the last five years. h. The top-ranking candidates will be appointed in senior jobs in banks. i. She knows very well what is expected from her but she is unable to perform. j. They will put on a note in this regard for your consideration. |
Activity: Santosh purchased a computer. He read the operating manual and followed the instructions. (Textbook Page No-24,25) |
a. He linked the monitor, keyboard and printer. b. He plugged in the main cable. c. He switched on the monitor at the back. d. When the light appeared on the screen, he placed the Day Disk in Drive A. e. He pushed in the disk until the button clicked out. (It took about 30 seconds for the computer to load the programme.) f. He pressed the Drive button and the disk shot out. g. He replaced the Day Disk with the Document Disk. h. He pressed function key 7. Now convert the above sentences into Passive Voice by filling in the blank: Firstly the monitor, keyboard and printer were linked up. Then the main cable was plugged in. The monitor was switched on at the back. When the light appeared on the screen, the Day Disk was placed in Drive A. The disk was pushed in until the button was clicked out. It took the computer 30 seconds to load the programme. The drive button was pressed and the disk shot out. The Day Disk was replaced with Document Disk. Finally, the function key 7 was pressed. The word processor was then ready to use. |
Activity: Guess the meaning. (Textbook Page No-15,17,18) |
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